:In or Out:

How can you tell if your wardrobe is in or out?
I will never not read in/out lists. It’s entertaining to see what someone has decided other people should or shouldn’t wear and then consider whether I agree with the list. For example, it feels like the silky leopard print skirt moment has passed in fashion for the time being. But if loving an outfit built around a leopard print skirt is wrong, I don’t want to be right. With strappy heels or white sneakers, a black turtleneck or a cropped tank, I’m smitten by it all. Can’t we just put it in the black leather jacket “always in, never out” category and call it a day?
I ask myself two questions when considering whether something is in or out.
Is this appropriate for the audience?
How does it make you feel?
Because if the answer is, “It is and it makes me feel great,” I’m declaring it IN and wearing it. The first time I saw a trend from my youth cycle back around was a very weird thing. But it helped me realize just how silly a fashion cycle is because if you keep wearing that thing you love, eventually you will be ahead of the trend.
Wear what you want to wear. Wear what makes you feel good. That’s it. When you do that, you’ll always be on the IN list.
Skirt & Tank Anine Bing | Shrug Source Unknown | Collar Alexis Bittar