Terra McBride

:Looking Forward:

Terra McBride
:Looking Forward:

It’s January 20, 2021 and I finally feel ready to look forward


As I type this, Bruce Springsteen is singing in front of the Lincoln Memorial and 81,283,098 Americans are celebrating the fact that their Presidential candidate was just sworn into office. I’ve watched countless friends and acquaintances share sentiments of overwhelming joy that the first woman, first Black American and first South Asian American has been sworn in as vice president. Make no mistake, there is a monumental amount of work ahead of these individuals, our country, our communities, ourselves. But today, I feel like we’re coming up for air. I feel like I can finally look forward to what’s next. Here are just a few reasons why.

  • Today was peaceful. And the tone was inclusive. God, we’ve needed this.

  • Several of my loved ones have received their COVID vaccinations, including my 92-year old grandmother. She’s so feisty, she still lives in the home she and my grandfather literally built with their own hands. To say she’s been ready to get back to living life would be a gross understatement. Now she can do that without reservation.

  • I’ve lived up to the commitment I made to myself to move my body like I did before the pandemic. That little win has cleared my mind and spurred my motivation.

So what am I looking forward to once things shift out of this stuck moment?

Most likely the same simple things you are.

  • Long hugs with good friends.

  • Dressing up to go out.

  • Traveling without a second thought.

  • A drink at the bar while we wait for our table.

  • Playdates for Stella.

  • Concerts in small venues.

  • Yoga in a hot studio with beautiful souls sharing positive energy.

Today felt like the first meaningful step toward those things. I hope you’re feeling it too.
