:The Rock:

Chunky Chains and Turtlenecks
What does The Rock have to do with them? Come on… You’ve seen this, right?
To be clear, someone broke off a piece of marble and carved this specimen. But when I was younger, I did not like the look of a necklace over a turtleneck. The great thing about fashion is I can dislike one version of something, see it done in a fresh way and fall totally in love.
It’s Sai of Scout the City who finally did it for me. Her take on chunky chains is right in my wheelhouse. I found the one I’m wearing from an Etsy shop named Second Chance Designs. The price was really phenomenal and it looks great after many wears. Highly recommend, particularly if you want to try this trend without a big financial commitment.
It sporadically snowed like crazy here today. And then at one point it was beautiful and sunny just after it hailed. It was nuts. So put a check in the pro category for not leaving the house during the day. You can wear whatever shoes you choose when it snows. Today I went for my favorite kitten heels.
In summation, if you had told me I would take style cues from a photo of Dwayne Johnson from 1994 I would have told you to take that back. Clearly I don’t know much because I love this outfit.
Blazer Helmut Lang (old) | Turtleneck Free People | Necklace Anzetta Second Chance | Bracelet Studebaker Metals | Shoes L.K. Bennett (similar) | Bag Danielle Bernard | Belt Janessa Leone