:Setting My Intention:
Treating 2021 Just Like Any Other New Year
Last year I wrote about the books I wanted to read in 2020 and about practicing intention. I kicked off the year strong with a dedicated focus on my health and personal growth. As we moved into March and the darkness of 2020 unfolded, it was impossible for me to escape the feeling that I was failing myself on all fronts. I felt demotivated, sad and listless more than I ever have before and I assumed that when I looked back on the year, I would be disappointed in how little I had achieved.
This weekend, I took some time to add key dates to my new planner and to look back at the goals I had written down for 2020. It was the most pleasant surprise to see that I had either made progress or outright achieved many of the things I had put my intention toward. Little things like reading 10 books in 2020 or saving money every week, and big things like establishing my role within my new organization, were checked off my list.
While I wish 2020 had been different in so many ways, it was an emotional boost to see that I was able to carry the weight of the year forward. It might not have been as far as I wanted but it was forward and for that I am very proud. I suspect more of us are in that camp than we may know. Writing down my goals last year helped me see now that I was capable of keeping my intention, even if it felt like I was lost. It’s a practice I am doing again this year so that I can celebrate what I’ve done at the end of the year.
It seems that more and more of us acknowledge and accept that turning the page on a calendar does not magically transform who we are at our core. And while I do not make resolutions, I do like to write down the things I intend to focus on for the coming year.
Three Intentions for 2021
Stay focused with the Create & Cultivate Weekly Planner - My first experience with Create & Cultivate was last year when I used their “Woman with a Plan” planner. During the times I regularly used the planner last year, I was more purposeful with my time. And when I didn’t? Projects would slip. Responsibilities would get missed. This year, I have a fresh planner and I intend to spend my Sundays plotting the week, noting what’s coming up and documenting what I need or want to get done. I’m a chronic procrastinator so organizing my thoughts ahead of time really helps me.
Enjoy real nourishment - Every January (and February), CJ and I go off the grid. We don’t drink, we meal prep and we fill our spare time with physical activities. It seems this year’s move into Dry January will be easier than ever! In the past, I’ve always dedicated my grocery shopping to Sundays. But that has left me doing all of my food shopping and preparation for the week on the same day, which means it’s a lost day if I don’t get it started early. This weekend, I shopped on Saturday and so I have been able to spend my time today doing other things that serve me, like movement, cleaning and making food for the week. The intent with this minor errand shift is to be better prepared to create nourishing meals, particularly when I’m short on time. I’ve been practicing with zoodles (I think I finally nailed it) and I purchased a Nutribullet so that I can use my pantry and freezer staples to easily stay on track even in a pinch.
Reintroduce myself to sweat - It’s not that I haven’t been moving. But the weight of 2020 really slowed me down. We walk every day, which is great. But what I really miss is sweating from effort. I miss yoga in a hot room. I miss feeling sore from working hard. One of the things my yoga studio offers at the beginning of most years is a Warrior Challenge. The goal is to practice 21 times over the course of the first 30 days of the year. It’s meant to help establish a routine of yoga practice that you can carry with you for the rest of the year. I decided I don’t need my studio to challenge myself in this way. I got to my mat for the first time in 2021 on Jan. 2 and I’m happy to report that as I type this on Jan. 3, I have 2/21 practices ticked off. The real challenge starts when I’m back to work tomorrow but I’m confident I can do this.
My hope for each of you is that you seek out and receive more of what you need throughout the year. 2020 was brutal. Let’s not do that again, yeah?
What are you striving to achieve in 2021?