:Practicing Intention for 2020:

Achieving a goal requires
focus and effort
As the year comes to a close, I once again find myself reflecting on my successes, failures and the lessons that can serve me in the coming months. Recently my friend Kelly of Dress Well, Be Well posted on Instagram about working on trying things that make her a little uncomfortable. To push herself. It got me thinking about those things I’ve always wanted but seem to be holding myself back from and how I can alter my approach to make more progress toward what I want.
I admire other people who practice mindfulness. Whether it’s through creating a mood board or journaling or meditating, I’ve always wondered how folks do it. How do they set an intention to manifest their goals and then follow through? Well, I know the answer and it’s so very simple…
They decide what they want and then they go after it with all they’ve got.
They don’t think about it and then scroll through their phone for an hour and a half. They don’t talk about it and then avoid it for weeks. It seems to me from the outside looking in, they feel the urgency of life and they understand now is the time to take the first or fifth of fiftieth step toward their goal. The only difference between them and me is intent.
So as I put a period on 2019, I guess you could say I have a resolution (although I really hate resolutions). In 2020, I will practice intent. I will recognize when I am avoiding a challenge because of fear. I will manifest my goals for myself, rather than waiting for them to manifest themselves. I will focus. I will put in the effort. I will fail. But I will also succeed and move forward. I will stop wasting time thinking about how lucky some people are and I will start spending my time using the tools I have to make my own luck.
Three tools I will consistently use in 2020
Create & Cultivate “Woman with a Plan” Weekly Planner - Found this planner at Target and loved how it breaks down each month into pieces that are easy to digest. It’s a great guide for how to set goals, track events you want to attend and brainstorm new ideas. Then it prompts you to review your month, what you accomplished and what should carry over to the next month.
Hilary Rushford’s Dean Street Studio Courses - I’ve attended a few of Hilary’s webinars and I always walk away with at least one or two things I can use immediately. I plan to consume more content that motivates and inspires me.
The Daily Water app - When I am good to my body, it is good to me. I am notoriously slack on my water consumption. The Daily Water app is a great way to stay on track and stay hydrated.
I hope you all are surrounded by love and laughter as this year comes to a close. And I wish you all a 2020 rich with the things you want most.
Thank you for being part of Love Nothing More.
It means so much to me! xx