:damn hippies:

the preview to the Summer of Tank Tops continues. this one is flowy and comfortable and makes me feel like a damn hippie. so why not add some Dazed and Confused-type jeans to complete the look? i threw on the blazer but honestly, it looks dumb and i prefer this whole look without it.
but why hide that from you all? don’t we all make fashion mistakes? speaking of, i think i’m going to take a cue from jenna and pull together some outtakes. (hers are funny and kind of cool actually) i had a couple doozies from sunday with aart and if the longevity of america’s funniest home videos and tosh.0 have taught us anything it’s that people love watching other people look dumb. so watch for that!
photos // aart
Tank Free People (available here for 50% off!) // Jeans AGOLDE (similar) // Shoes (similar) // Sunglasses Karen Walker (similar) // Bag Modern Citizen