LifestyleTerra McBride

:Rediscovering Motivation:

LifestyleTerra McBride
:Rediscovering Motivation:

Baby Steps Really Do Count

Lately I feel like I cannot get going. I mentioned on IG that I feel like I’ve been stutter starting. Many of you responded with similar sentiments and some ideas for how I may be able to get myself unstuck.

My favorites tend to orbit around the idea of breaking tasks down into small steps to make them feel less overwhelming. Little wins are still wins. And embrace the feeling. Allow it to be what it is.

Below are a few of my favorite ideas from you. These ones in particular fit my personality in this moment but, if these don’t feel right for you, go back and read some of the other suggestions on IG. They’re all gems!




I’m famous for creating mile-long to-do lists that I never accomplish. I’ve found it helps me to limit my tasks to the top 3 for a single day. Even if that became the top 1, that’s okay too. One thing to focus on for the day and feel somewhat accomplished.


I feel this. I’ve been trying to optimize productive days lately. With ADHD, some days are total losses while others are like “yeah! I’m a real human!” On those days I try to get as much done as possible in case the following day is a bust.


I’ve been starting to focus on small goals and breaking down the big ones as I go so my anxiety doesn’t flare up. I’ve also learned to pat myself on the back more when I meet the small goals instead of waiting to feel accomplished when I knock out a big goal. I end up feeling a lot better and more motivated to tackle everything else. We’ve got this! We’re all going through a lot this year so everything that you put out should be counted as a win! 😘


I just try to roll with whatever the universe is telling me. If I’m feeling unmotivated or restless is often because I literally need it. Over time I’ve come to listen and understand this intuition and accept the ebb and flow of it all. I’m generally doing 167 things a day-and thrive off that energy, so when I get feelings of being unmotivated, I just sit the heck down and embrace it. For me, I need down time and empty head space to motivate again or turn my energy into something different. I guess I never see it as a bad thing or something that needs to be changed.

I appreciate you all sharing your thoughts. This blog post is an example of the impact our exchange has already had. So, thank you so much!

Here’s to getting started.