Terra McBride

:Curiosity Please:

Terra McBride
:Curiosity Please:

When I think of curiosity, I see a mechanism that has the capacity to propel humankind forward. I admire curiosity and the wonders it has helped discover. The music it has written. The cultures it has shared. The cures it has developed.

I am not a naturally curious person. I’m the sort of person who wishes she was curious. But I usually don’t do anything about it. I have to actively work on being curious. I used to think that was a defect but now I realize it’s just how I’m built. Some part of my brain is wired differently than a naturally curious person. Or maybe some part of my upbringing heavily influenced me. Or both.

Not being curious enough has actually gotten me into trouble. The lowest point in my career was caused by my lack of curiosity. Nothing course corrects your attitude like a major fuck up.

So, I’m not curious by nature. I simply need tools to be that person.

How I Found My Curiosity

  • Inquisitive people set a good example of how to be curious. I surround myself with lots of them. They often ask questions I never would have considered. Not to mention they tend to be really interesting because they have a lot of (useful and useless) information.

  • Practice makes progress, right? I actively try to ask as many questions as I can think of when I have the opportunity. Even though I kind of don’t want to. I want the information but it turns out, I have to work a little for it.

  • When I’m preparing for something, I write out my questions in advance. And then maybe I look up more questions that I didn’t think of myself. The power of the internet is at my finger tips. I better use it.

  • It helps that my husband is constantly asking me detailed questions. It’s like a bit of a training ground when we interact! If I can anticipate what information someone will want, then I can better determine what questions I need to ask ahead of time to get it.

Then I try not to beat myself up when I slip back into complacency. Because I do. Maybe I’m a bit lazy by nature. It’s a journey, not a destination… or something like that!

Dress LPA (purchased second hand)