:Terra Tries // ResurFX with Beleza:

:Terra Tries // ResurFX with Beleza:

Let’s Talk About Lasers!


My previous experience with Beleza Plastic Surgery trying Dysport for the first time was so great, I became a regular client. I’ve been so pleased with the results! They were everything I’ve hoped for. So when the team at Beleza offered to let me try ResurFX and explained what it could do I was beyond intrigued. I was fully on board.

What is ResurFX?

The ResurFX treatment is a non-ablative skin resurfacing procedure. Ok, what does that mean? The laser used creates heat in the skin without injuring the surface. This allows for results that are more subtle. And because ResurFX uses a fractional technology, treatment is targeted, allowing the skin to heal faster than it would if the entire area was treated.

How does ResurFX work?

The fractional laser stimulates the production of new collagen and elastic fibers in the deeper layers of the skin. The laser is delivered with precision and integrates some cooling to help make the procedure more comfortable.

That said, you are getting zapped with a laser. So the first step is to spend about an hour with a numbing cream on your skin.

Why ResurFX?

The procedure is meant to address the early signs of aging. It helps with skin texture and overall skin appearance. You may notice a change in pore dimension and a reduction of dark spots and acne scars.

Ok, what was the procedure actually like?

It is a relatively easy procedure. The hardest part for me was staying still while my face numbed. Now, it’s not painful but it IS uncomfortable, despite the numbing. It’s like receiving a series of pin pricks. But the procedure itself is quick - 15 to 20 minutes. When it was done, my face looked and felt like I had a mild sunburn.

The redness and sensation remained for several days after the procedure. I used a mild cleanser and made sure to keep my skin moisturized. It was EXTREMELY important to avoid all sun exposure for at least three weeks and to wear 30+ SPF sunscreen all day, every day. My second treatment was in the middle of summer so believe me, that was challenging! But a wide brim hat and a ton of sunscreen did the trick.

Real talk. Did it work?

At first I wasn’t sure. ResurFX requires several treatments - 3-5 are recommended - and you don’t tend to start seeing results for 4-5 weeks. Results are subtle. So again, it’s hard to tell at first. And then I started to notice that my skin looked brighter and smoother, even at the end of the day when my makeup had been rubbed off a little by the day’s stresses. I thought maybe I just had more water than usual or something. But then I noticed it again. And again. The moment I knew for sure that my skin was improving was during a photo shoot where a makeup artist commented on how great my skin was.

Listen… I have never, EVER had skin that was even decent, let alone make-up artist great. When I was in just fifth grade, another kid innocently asked me if I had chicken pox. That’s how bad my acne was at AGE 10. I’ve managed my skin into adulthood but after childbirth, my acne started getting cystic. Without getting into details, just know it’s been a long, unpredictable battle. A few years ago, I finally found some balance with my skin care, which has been awesome, but the shadow of my old skin was always there. ResurFX helped to even out and brighten my skin and tighten my pores. And I’m really just now starting to see the changes. It’s possible to see improvement for as long as six months after treatment! I cannot believe at 41 I have the skin I’ve always wanted, and it’s getting better. When I asked the Beleza team what sort of “maintenance” was recommended for ResurFX, they told me the great thing about this procedure is that it lasts. Some people may come in for a maintenance treatment once every two years. Others come in more often but it may not be necessary, depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

How much does ResurFX cost?

The cost of each ResurFX procedure is $500. With the recommended minimum of three treatments, the cost is $1,500.

I feel it’s critical to work with certified professionals who know what they’re doing whenever you choose to receive a medical treatment. Whether it’s something simple like Botox or something more complicated like ResurFX, it’s not worth it to get a “deal”.

As I’ve said before, the staff at Beleza is incredibly knowledgable. They have never made me feel pressure to receive a treatment. And in fact, they have listened to my goals and helped me understand why one treatment would be better for me versus another. If you’re interested in ResurFX, I highly recommend speaking to the staff at Beleza. They can give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision about whether it’s the right procedure for you! I hope this post has been helpful. Ask me anything! I’m more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

This post was created in partnership with Beleza Plastic Surgery. Beleza provided these services and skin care products to me at no cost. All opinions expressed are my own.

Photos: Wellesley and King Creative