:A Perfect Year:

Farewell 2017
This year has been one of my favorites. To be clear, things were not easy. The last twelve months have been ripe with terrifying firsts, tests of resolve both personal and professional and tons of growth. But as I sit on the other side of it all and reflect on what I've accomplished, I feel confident for the first time in my life that I can do anything as long as I commit myself.
2018 will be a big year.
I turn 40 and will celebrate 10 years of marriage to the most incredible man I've ever known. I have a renewed motivation to throw myself into this blog. And I am particularly excited to share more experiences with all of you. Thank you for your support and encouragement. It fuels me!
As my final farewell to this year, here are 12 of my favorite posts from 2017. You can click on the photos to visit the original! Cheers everyone!