:Summer Sweaters:

Top Three Summer 2018 Essentials
Forget everything you're hearing about the trends for summer.
I've got all you need right here.
It's just three simple things.
Super Goop Sun-Defying Sunscreen Oil w/ Meadowfoam This is an amazing daily body oil that gives my skin the perfect glow. The scent is a super light citrus so it's not overpowering or too "beachy." The best part - it's SPF 50. Protect that skin, people!
Adorable Cans of Wine For fireworks. For movies in the park. For picnics. Cans of sparkling wine sound effervescent. This particular white is from Trader Joe's. My coworker is originally from Chicago so every now and then her family brings her the best of TJ's booze. While I didn't LOVE this, I love the idea of cute cans of wine. We're going to try another type to see if it's any better. In the meantime, anybody out there have access to Trader Joe's outside of archaic af Pennsylvania? Have you had their wine? What's your fav?
Summer-Weight Sweaters My obsession started last summer with this striped sweater from the Woolen Mill. It's only grown since. Something about sweaters and shorts makes me the happiest. During my last excursion to The Woolen Mill, I picked up two more, including this cable knit lovely. Can you picture the fire pit? The boat at sunset? I'm so ready for it.
Simple, right? You can never go wrong with shimmery skin protected from the sun, cold wine and snuggly sweaters.
Sweater The Woolen Mill // Tank Shopbop (last year, try this two pack) // Cutoffs (love these and these) // Birkenstocks // Aviators Ray Ban
Photos // Lauren