:Wardrobe Tarot:

Oh, The Stories Our
Closets Can Tell
I've never felt like I really know who I am. It was the worst when I was young and insecure and scared of pain and failure. I was so desperate to be liked. I wanted to be part of everything so I never really felt like part of anything. And when I reflect on my style earlier in my life, it sort of looked like that. Like I was borrowing from everywhere else and nothing ever seemed quite like me.
It's only recently that I've felt more secure in myself. Not that I completely know who I am. That's going to take at least another 20 years to figure out. But I'm more confident in and settled with myself than I have ever been. I was more fit 10 years ago but I love my body way more today. And I think all of that comes through when I get dressed. My style feels more focused and streamlined. Much less frenetic than it once was. These last two sentences - as I wrote them, I realized they sum up how I feel about myself vs. how I used to feel.
There are stories in our wardrobes way beyond where and when we wore something. Buried deep inside that laundry basket, you might find who you are.
photos // lauren