:Miracle on Liberty:
The highlight of last weekend has to be our inaugural trip to Miracle on Liberty. CJ was super apprehensive when he saw their Instagram. It looked like a place stuffed with things and people without any room to breathe. Whisk that together with a bunch of alcohol and I could tell CJ was running through an exit plan days in advance.
But we’re old so we were part of the early crew! While it was packed at Miracle when we arrived at 6:30, the crowd was fairly manageable and all of the people were sort of in it together. It felt like all of us strangers had a Christmas sweater of comradery woven together by specialty cocktails. Then we snagged a table, which gave us space and an anchor around which we could properly belt out the theme to The Golden Girls and Bon Jovi and The Contours, etc., etc. We got a LOT of dinosaur drinks and finger shots squeezedin during our shift. But hey, we did it for charity! Sales at Miracle benefit Action Against Hunger and the local nonprofit 412 Food Rescue, which redirects potentially wasted food to people in need.
To the crew from Saturday (including some happy run-ins!), we traveled down the road and back again. Thank you for being a friend!